/ Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Photographing eight week old puggle echidna baby.
00050418 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Scientist hold's eight week old puggle
00050417 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Eight week old puggle echidna baby is too big to fit into pouch so hangs on to mother's underneath.
00050416 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Scientists with echidna, uncurl animal to check pouch.
00050398 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Tagged echidna released.
00050397 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Placing five week old puggle in mother's pouch.
00050396 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Scientists measure five week old puggle echidna baby.
00050395 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Five week old puggle beak nose and head.
00050394 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Five week old puggle foot.
00050393 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Five week old puggle held by scientist
00050392 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Two Week old puggle echidna baby held by scientist
00050391 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Two Week old puggle echidna baby moving around in mother's pouch
00050390 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Scientists put week old puggle back in mother's pouch.
00050389 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / HA. Scientists put puggle back in mother's pouch.
00050388 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Scientists measuring weighing week old puggle
00050385 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Scientists release tagged echidna
00050377 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Scientist gently replaces echidna's egg in pouch
00050376 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Scientists calibrate measure size of echidna's egg with callipers.
00050375 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Scientis holding tiny echidna's egg in hand. See size.
00050374 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Scientist gently takes egg from Echidna's pouch
00050373 / Science field research puggle babyShort beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / Echidna pouch with egg in it.
00050371 / Science field research puggle baby Short beaked Echidna, spiny anteater, common echidna / The scientists have found tagged echidna in long grass.