YSIX - WESLEY'S HOMECOMING_SCR.mp4 / WESLEY'S HOMECOMING / It is one of the most heartbreaking decisions any mother should have to make: give up your son in order to save his life. That's what Wesley Koni's mother did after he was horrifically burned inside t...
CM0071-RT-0038761.mov / MovieTone Ron and Valerie Taylor / Sequence of shots. Movietone Revenge for victim of shark attack. Shark victim shows scar from bite. He prepares to hunt his attacker
CM0001-SV-0041311.mov / Horse Brumby Mustang / Brumby kicking in the water, pan to side, see scars
CM0001-SV-0041307.mov / Horse Brumby Mustang / Brumbies head there is a scar on its cheek
CM0001-AW-0004107.mov / Hippopotamus / Hippo head pan to wound, scar from fight.
CM0001-AW-0004106.mov / Hippopotamus / Hippo wound. PAN to head.