  • Results for
    • danger
  • (890)
Girl jumps into water. Penguins swimming in bg.
00050215 / Penguin African Jackass / Girl jumps into water. Penguins swimming in bg.
Penguins walking down beach, people in fg watching them.
00050212 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins walking down beach, people in fg watching them.
Penguins walking down beach, framed by legs of a sunbathing woman
00050210 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins walking down beach, framed by legs of a sunbathing woman
Penguins on steps holding "hands" flippers
00050206 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins on steps holding "hands" flippers
Parent feeding hatchling regurgitated fish. Chick sticks head right down parents beak. Two chicks in the nest.
00050203 / Penguin African Jackass / Parent feeding hatchling regurgitated fish. Chick sticks head right down parents beak. Two chicks in the nest.
Parent feeding hatchling regurgitated fish. Chick sticks head right down parents beak.
00050202 / Penguin African Jackass / Parent feeding hatchling regurgitated fish. Chick sticks head right down parents beak.
Penguin hatchling and parent
00050201 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguin hatchling and parent
Head of penguin hatchling
00050200 / Penguin African Jackass / Head of penguin hatchling
Head of penguin hatchling
00050199 / Penguin African Jackass / Head of penguin hatchling
Three pengiuns waddle ashore
00050198 / Penguin African Jackass / Three pengiuns waddle ashore
Penguins in a group, come ashore
00050197 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins in a group, come ashore
Penguins surfing the waves, coming into the beach, diving and porpoising through the water
00050196 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins surfing the waves, coming into the beach, diving and porpoising through the water
Penguins porpoising through sea
00050195 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins porpoising through sea
Penguins porpoising through sea
00050194 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins porpoising through sea
Strong wave sweeps penguin off rock and out to sea
00050105 / Penguin African Jackass / Strong wave sweeps penguin off rock and out to sea
Penguins dive into rough seas
00050094 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins dive into rough seas
Penguin dives feet first into sea from rock
00050093 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguin dives feet first into sea from rock
Two penguins standing close together on a rock, sea and mountains in bg.
00050072 / Penguin African Jackass / Two penguins standing close together on a rock, sea and mountains in bg.
Penguins swimming near seaweed
00050071 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins swimming near seaweed
Penguins swimming
00050070 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins swimming
Penguins swimming underwater
00050069 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins swimming underwater
Penguins swimming underwater in very clear water
00050068 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins swimming underwater in very clear water
Penguin swimming underwater
00050067 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguin swimming underwater
Penguins swimming underwater in very clear water
00050066 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins swimming underwater in very clear water
Penguin swimming underwater
00050065 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguin swimming underwater
Car driving slowly up road because baboons crossing
00050204 / Baboon Chacma / Car driving slowly up road because baboons crossing
Strong wave crashes over seal
00050106 / Seal / Strong wave crashes over seal
Strong wave sweeps penguin off rock and out to sea
00050105 / Penguin African Jackass / Strong wave sweeps penguin off rock and out to sea
Cars driving on wet roads at night
00050018 / rain night / Cars driving on wet roads at night
Cars driving on wet roads at night
00050017 / rain night / Cars driving on wet roads at night
Baboon on bonnet of a car. The driver tries to drive but only goes slowly.
00049741 / Baboon Chacma / Baboon on bonnet of a car. The driver tries to drive but only goes slowly.
Troop of baboons in the middle of the road, cars parked to the side
00049740 / Baboon Chacma / Troop of baboons in the middle of the road, cars parked to the side
Chacma baboons grooming in the middle of a road. Cars drive past
00049739 / Baboon Chacma / Chacma baboons grooming in the middle of a road. Cars drive past
Chacma baboons at the side of the street. Car wipes across screen, baboons fall down.
00049738 / Baboon Chacma / Chacma baboons at the side of the street. Car wipes across screen, baboons fall down.
Very young penguin chick looking up. A shadow passes over it.
00049648 / Penguin African Penguin Jackass Penguin / Very young penguin chick looking up. A shadow passes over it.
Three young penguins one with soft downy feather covering look up. A shadow passes over them. Could be looking at predator.
00049647 / Penguin African Penguin Jackass Penguin / Three young penguins one with soft downy feather covering look up. A shadow passes over them. Could be looking at predator.
Group of penguins swimming in rough sea. Wave crashes over them.
00049625 / Penguin African Penguin Jackass Penguin / Group of penguins swimming in rough sea. Wave crashes over them.
Abandoned chick calls for parent. Appears to be in bad shape
00049582 / Penguin African Penguin Jackass Penguin / Abandoned chick calls for parent. Appears to be in bad shape
Gull searching for prey hovers and lowers towards beach
00049581 / Penguin African Penguin Jackass Penguin / Gull searching for prey hovers and lowers towards beach
abandoned chick large in FG with the rest of the colony in BG
00049577 / Penguin African Penguin Jackass Penguin / abandoned chick large in FG with the rest of the colony in BG
Child tries to hit penguin with a toy wheel barrow , the penguin dodges.
00049370 / Penguin African Penguin Jackass Penguin / Child tries to hit penguin with a toy wheel barrow , the penguin dodges.
Traffic light flashes red man to tell people to stop walking.
00049284 / Melbourne / Traffic light flashes red man to tell people to stop walking.
Ship on stormy rough seas. The sky is grey it is snowing or raining.
00047296 / Survival / Ship on stormy rough seas. The sky is grey it is snowing or raining.
Lion Fish
00043250 / Lion Fish / Lion Fish
Lion Fish
00043249 / Lion Fish / Lion Fish
Lion Fish
00043248 / Lion Fish / Lion Fish
Sea urchins, - Possibly Green Sea Urchin - Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and kelp forest above
00043141 / Sea urchins, - Possibly Green Sea Urchin - Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and kelp forest above / Sea urchins, - Possibly Green Sea Urchin - Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and kelp forest above
Sea urchins, - Possibly Green Sea Urchin - Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and kelp forest above
00043140 / Sea urchins, - Possibly Green Sea Urchin - Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and kelp forest above / Sea urchins, - Possibly Green Sea Urchin - Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis and kelp forest above
Diver pushes shark away.
00042637 / Shark / Diver pushes shark away.
Two people on precarious cliff ledge looking at surf waves crashing to cliffs below.
00038270 / Danger / Two people on precarious cliff ledge looking at surf waves crashing to cliffs below.
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