/ Lizard Dwarf Chameleon / Chameleon tongue enters frame and pulls grasshopper off flower
00049994 / Lizard Dwarf Chameleon / Chameleon tongue enters frame and pulls grasshopper off flower
00049993 / Grasshopper / Grasshopper hops off flower
00049991 / Bee Carpenter / Female carpenter bee feeding on pink orphium flower. Her specific droning buzz is the correct frequency to make the flower release its polllen. No other bee can feed on this fllower. As she feeds the...
00049989 / Bee Carpenter / Female carpenter bee feeding on pink orphium flower. Her specific droning buzz is the correct frequency to make the flower release its polllen. No other bee can feed on this fllower.
00049988 / Bee Carpenter / Bee trying to feed on pollen of open orphium flower but is unable to release pollen. Flies off.