/ Anemone Hermit Crab and Peacock Mantis Shrimp on the ocean floor
00006346 / Anemone Hermit Crab and Peacock Mantis Shrimp on the ocean floor
00004535 / Spider Portia Fringed Jumping Spider / Two shot Portia and Dolomedes on leaf together. Portia edges towards Dolomedes but Dolomedes jumps out of frame.
00004531 / Spider Portia Fringed Jumping Spider / Portia moving up leaf on web towards Dolomedes strumming on web as it moves. Portia prepares to jump but Dolomedes runs out of frame.
00004391 / Snake Red Bellied Black snake / Red Bellied Black snake goes after frog but frog jumps away, off screen.
00004266 / Rhinoceros beetle / Praying Mantis crawling over horns of Male Rhino Beetle onto branch and is chased along branch by the beetle mantis climb over another male rhino beetle in escaping the two beetles are left to struggl...
00002384 / Snake Desert death adder snake / pan over forest floor to coiled up snake