  • Results for
    • Territorial
  • (58)
One sugarbird chases another off its perch in defence of territory.
00050076 / Cape Sugarbird / One sugarbird chases another off its perch in defence of territory.
Elephant seals. Fighting.
00047422 / Elephant Seals / Elephant seals. Fighting.
PAN Elephant seals. Fighting.
00047414 / Elephant Seals / PAN Elephant seals. Fighting.
Pike Blenny mouth fighting threat display.
00042325 / Pike Blenny mouth fighting threat display.
Pike Blenny mouth fighting threat display.
00042324 / Pike Blenny mouth fighting threat display.
Pike Blenny mouth fighting threat display.
00042323 / Pike Blenny mouth fighting threat display.
Two male loggerhead turtles fighting. The one chases the other, they circle through the water. The chaser tries to bite the other turtle.
00041301 / Loggerhead Turtle / Two male loggerhead turtles fighting. The one chases the other, they circle through the water. The chaser tries to bite the other turtle.
Two male loggerhead turtles fighting. The one chases the other, they circle through the water. The chaser tries to bite the other turtle.
00041300 / Loggerhead Turtle / Two male loggerhead turtles fighting. The one chases the other, they circle through the water. The chaser tries to bite the other turtle.
Two male loggerhead turtles fighting. The one chases the other, they circle through the water
00041299 / Loggerhead Turtle / Two male loggerhead turtles fighting. The one chases the other, they circle through the water
Koala walking across lawn or grassy clearing. Walking on ground. Tracks with koala over shoulder shot.
00037519 / Koala / Koala walking across lawn or grassy clearing. Walking on ground. Tracks with koala over shoulder shot.
Koala walking across lawn or grassy clearing. Walking on ground. Tracks with koala
00037518 / Koala / Koala walking across lawn or grassy clearing. Walking on ground. Tracks with koala
Koala walking across lawn or grassy clearing. Walking on ground. Tracks with koala
00037517 / Koala / Koala walking across lawn or grassy clearing. Walking on ground. Tracks with koala
Two koala's fighting. One reaches up to fight with the other. Could be territorial prior to courtship and mating.
00037511 / Koala / Two koala's fighting. One reaches up to fight with the other. Could be territorial prior to courtship and mating.
Small group or flock of Australian crows or ravens on banks of flooded river. Water is rushing fast and turbulent. Birds fighting, perhaps territorial fight.
00037418 / Raven or Crow / Small group or flock of Australian crows or ravens on banks of flooded river. Water is rushing fast and turbulent. Birds fighting, perhaps territorial fight.
Elephant seals fighting, kelp in background.
00037033 / Seals Southern Elephant Seals / Elephant seals fighting, kelp in background.
Elephant seals fighting, kelp in background.
00037032 / Seals Southern Elephant Seals / Elephant seals fighting, kelp in background.
Elephant seals fighting, kelp in background.
00037031 / Seals Southern Elephant Seals / Elephant seals fighting, kelp in background.
Elephant seals fighting, kelp in background.
00037030 / Seals Southern Elephant Seals / Elephant seals fighting, kelp in background.
Elephant seal yawning aggressively, bearing teeth. The warm air of its exhaling breath is steamy.
00037029 / Seals Southern Elephant Seals / Elephant seal yawning aggressively, bearing teeth. The warm air of its exhaling breath is steamy.
Elephant seals fighting, sea in background.
00037028 / Seals Southern Elephant Seals / Elephant seals fighting, sea in background.
CU zoom out MS elephant seals on beach behaving aggressively. Kelp in background.
00037026 / Penguins King Penguins / CU zoom out MS elephant seals on beach behaving aggressively. Kelp in background.
Elephant seals fighting, bearing teeth, in middle of king penguin colony rookery.
00037024 / Seals Southern Elephant Seals / Elephant seals fighting, bearing teeth, in middle of king penguin colony rookery.
Elephant seals behaving aggressively, yawning and bearing teeth.
00037020 / Seals Southern Elephant Seals / Elephant seals behaving aggressively, yawning and bearing teeth.
Elephant seals behaving aggressively, yawning and bearing teeth. A third elephant seal muscles in on the action.
00037018 / Seals Southern Elephant Seals / Elephant seals behaving aggressively, yawning and bearing teeth. A third elephant seal muscles in on the action.
Seals fighting in shallow water. The winner emerges from the sea and gets onto the rock.
00036873 / Seals Fur Seals / Seals fighting in shallow water. The winner emerges from the sea and gets onto the rock.
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