YSIX - THE WHOLE HOAX_SCR.mp4 / THE WHOLE HOAX / It was the lie that rocked Australia. A young, beautiful woman is given the terrible news she has inoperable brain cancer and only four months to live. Belle Gibson is courageous - she tries chemother...
CM0094-APL-0061196.mov / Lion Rock & Local Family, Sigiriya, Sri Lanka / Lion Rock & Local Family, Sigiriya, Sri Lanka
CM0068-QS-0023841.mov / Time, clock / The reality of the ever present passing of time is evident as the camera rotates around the ticking clock.
CM0062-PP-0033575.mov / Penguin African Penguin Jackass Penguin / Using head and beak to dig sand out of burrow
CM0062-PP-0033574.mov / Penguin African Penguin Jackass Penguin / Penguin shaking bush for nesting material