  • Results for
    • love bird
  • (122)
Preening partner's neck
00056553 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Preening partner's neck
Couple interaction. "Kissing" with beaks
00056548 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Couple interaction. "Kissing" with beaks
Both parents preening chick on nest
00056545 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Both parents preening chick on nest
Male preening chick on nest female stands protectively by.
00056543 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Male preening chick on nest female stands protectively by.
Interaction between both parents and chick. Chick tries to pester for food. Male preening chick.
00056542 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Interaction between both parents and chick. Chick tries to pester for food. Male preening chick.
Interaction between both parents and chick. Chick tries to pester for food
00056541 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Interaction between both parents and chick. Chick tries to pester for food
Male preening female and chick on nest
00056540 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Male preening female and chick on nest
Male preening female and chick on nest
00056539 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Male preening female and chick on nest
interacting couple preening. The albatross preens its partner's eye. Pan to another couple sitting closely together.
00056537 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / interacting couple preening. The albatross preens its partner's eye. Pan to another couple sitting closely together.
interacting. "Kissing" with beaks. Preening and "kissing". Nesting colony and flying albatrosses in bg.
00056530 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / interacting. "Kissing" with beaks. Preening and "kissing". Nesting colony and flying albatrosses in bg.
interacting. "Kissing" with beaks. Preening and "kissing". One albatross walks off, rejecting the other.
00056529 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / interacting. "Kissing" with beaks. Preening and "kissing". One albatross walks off, rejecting the other.
interacting. "Kissing" with beaks. Preening and "kissing".
00056528 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / interacting. "Kissing" with beaks. Preening and "kissing".
interacting. "Kissing" with beaks. Wind blows neck ruffle feathers. Preening and "kissing".
00056527 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / interacting. "Kissing" with beaks. Wind blows neck ruffle feathers. Preening and "kissing".
Couple interaction. "Kissing" with beaks. Wind blows neck ruffle feathers. Sea in bg.
00056524 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Couple interaction. "Kissing" with beaks. Wind blows neck ruffle feathers. Sea in bg.
Interaction of couple. "Kissing" with beaks. Wind blows neck ruffle feathers. Sea in bg.
00056521 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Interaction of couple. "Kissing" with beaks. Wind blows neck ruffle feathers. Sea in bg.
interacting couple with adult and chick in fg
00056519 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / interacting couple with adult and chick in fg
Couple interaction. "Kissing" with beaks. Wind blows neck ruffle feathers.
00056507 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Couple interaction. "Kissing" with beaks. Wind blows neck ruffle feathers.
Couple interaction. "Kissing" with beaks
00056506 / Albatross - Wandering Albatross / Couple interaction. "Kissing" with beaks
Penguins on steps holding "hands" flippers
00050206 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins on steps holding "hands" flippers
Two penguins standing close together on a rock, sea and mountains in bg.
00050072 / Penguin African Jackass / Two penguins standing close together on a rock, sea and mountains in bg.
Penguins mutually preening each other as if "kissing" or "necking".
00049858 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins mutually preening each other as if "kissing" or "necking".
Penguins mutually preening each other as if "kissing" or "necking".
00049857 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins mutually preening each other as if "kissing" or "necking".
Penguins courting
00049855 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins courting
Penguins courting
00049853 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguins courting
Penguin in colony vocalising, calling for a mate
00049852 / Penguin African Jackass / Penguin in colony vocalising, calling for a mate
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